


A quote from Sigolt Wenske (German naturopath and iridologe) highlights the greatest benefits of the iridodiagnosis: "Iridodiagnosis is first and foremost a prognostic, a preview. With that, it is possible to operate a primary prevention, that is more effective than a substitution behind schedule."


The preventive benefits of iridodiagnosis can be explained as: iridodiagnosis provides information on the patient´s constitution, also on their hereditary and overall acquired shape.


Each person has a specific way, per their constitution, to react to pathogenic factors and develops appropriate response pattern during their life.


These response patterns are visible in the iris. Based on this information, which disclose the constitution and weak points in the body, the practitioner will treat his patient and recommend him precautionary measures.  

HRV Diagnostics


Our basic life functions such as breathing, blood pressure, immune system, and digestion are primarily controlled automatically and without our conscious input. These processes are regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

The analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) provides valuable insights into the state of this nervous system. Using the HRV diagnostic system Nilas MV®, we can analyze the autonomic nervous system in detail, allowing us to accurately assess and effectively monitor the health status of our patients.


Measurement Technique:

HRV measurement with Nilas MV uses sensors that record heart rate variability (HRV). The measurement is non-invasive and takes only a few minutes. The patient sits relaxed while the sensors collect the HRV data.


Why do we measure HRV?

HRV is a key indicator of the health of the autonomic nervous system and the body's ability to respond to stress. Very low HRV can actually be associated with a variety of diseases.


Measuring HRV allows us to:

  • Early detection of health problems: A significant drop in heart rate variability can indicate the early stages of diseases. Regular HRV measurements enable us to take timely actions and engage in preventive measures.
  • Evaluate stress levels: Low HRV can indicate high levels of chronic stress, which can negatively affect overall health.
  • Monitor cardiovascular health: HRV is closely related to heart health. Low HRV can be an early warning sign of heart problems.
  • Support treatment of chronic diseases: By regularly measuring HRV, we can monitor the effectiveness of treatments for chronic conditions such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, and sleep disorders to ensure they achieve the desired therapeutic outcomes.
  • Optimize physical performance and recovery: Athletes can use HRV to monitor their recovery and adjust training programs to avoid overtraining and improve performance.

Laboratory diagnostics of oxidative stress


Free radicals are extremely difficult to measure.

Clearly uncomplicated and yet absolutely reliable, free radicals can be measured with theFORMplus absorption photometer. The FORMplus absorption photometer delivers laboratory-accurate results that enable professional and competent radical determination. 


The oxidative stress resulting from the radical stress is also presented in the form of an oxidative stress profile for each patient. Only one drop of capillary blood is required for the test.


Accurate laboratory results are available within 7 minutes.

Pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, the use of oral contraceptives and physical endurance training have an impact on the test result.

Blood test for monitoring tumour activity


With this test, individual circulating tumour cells (CTCs) that have dissolved from the primary tumour can be counted in the blood.


The direct view of tumour activity and the ability to detect the efficacy of the therapies applied means a higher quality of life for the patients and possibly also a lifetime extension through early recurrence detection.


Analyse der Herzratenvariabilität: https://www.nilas-mv.com/

„Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Herzratenvariabilität und Stress" von Jessica Geitel, veröffentlicht von der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: https://publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10900/73260/Diss_JessicaGeitel.pdf?sequence=1

"Herzratenvariabilität: Wie ist der Stand der Forschung?" veröffentlicht in der Ärzte Zeitung: https://www.aerztezeitung.de/Medizin/Herzratenvariabilitaet-Wie-ist-der-Stand-der-Forschung-404900.html

"RHRVEasy: Heart rate variability made easy": https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0309055



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